AWM Korntal is an academy for people who want to develop personally and professionally in the service of God and their fellow human beings. Towards this goal, we open up the world for people with courses of study and further training to qualify people theologically, inter-culturally and professionally.

Our students’ backgrounds and personal learning goals are extremely diverse – for full-time church ministry, as mission workers or making a career change without previous theological training.

What unites us all is the desire to be part of God’s mission in our own sphere of influence.

Your academy. Our world. God’s mission.

AWM Korntal was founded in the late 1960s as a “Seminary for Missionary Training” by the Association of Evangelical Missions (AEM) in Germany. The aim was the interdisciplinary training of missionaries for life and work in an intercultural context. As the primary training center for missionaries in German-speaking countries – supported by around 150 missionary organizations – it moved to Korntal in 1984.

International experience for the here and now

Our mission has deepened and expanded over the years. Today, AWM offers educational opportunities to people in a wide range of professional and voluntary fields of work at home and abroad. They benefit from our decades of experience in intercultural communication, leadership and integration.

Whereas missionaries used to go out “into the world” from Europe, today mission takes place “from everywhere to everywhere”. The AWM is thus connected worldwide with people who are working for God’s kingdom and is also a training center for international employees working in Germany. As a place of connection between the German-speaking and global world, we expand perspectives in the theological education space.

Three lines of work – One vision

According to our understanding of education, we want to

  • empower people to treat others with sensitivity and appreciation,
  • reflect critically on themselves and their context,
  • work in a theologically sound and professionally competent manner,
  • actively deepen their Christian spirituality.

We follow this mission statement in three areas of work. The courses offered at Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral level operate under the name Columbia International University (CIU) Korntal.

In addition, we offer a wide range of non-academic seminars and continuing education programs on relevant topics in community, mission and society.

The European Institute for Migration, Integration and Islam (EIMI) offers specialist lectures as well as study and training programs in German and Arabic.

An oasis of learning

Many experience the teaching phases in Korntal as a refreshing and inspiring time. The mixture of well-grounded input, stimulating encounters and personal reflection make the in-person attendance a special experience.

Reflection and filling your tank

As followers of Jesus, we know that God not only wants to bring about change through us, but also in us. Professional equipping for service in God’s kingdom goes hand in hand with character development and deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ. Education at AWM Korntal focuses on all these aspects.

The extensive specialized library with sunny workstations is both a place of rest and a source of inspiration. The offer of regular devotions, devotions and prayer times creates a spiritual framework for living and learning together.

Experience meets enthusiasm

Many of the AWM team have themselves lived in other cultures and feel it is a special privilege to be there for our guests and students.

We have recruited a team of international lecturers, experts and advisors for our courses of study, continuing education and seminars.

Working with strong partners

The AWM is a non-profit limited company founded by three shareholders with different shares. All three sponsors pursue the goal of facilitating intercultural, theological education and support the AWM in a variety of ways. Each of them is represented on the AWM Advisory Board.

Association of Evangelical Missions in Germany (AEM) Deutschland

Association of Swiss Evangelical Missions (AEM) Schweiz

Evangelische Brüdergemeinde Korntal

Our Advisory Board

Our supervisory body deals with strategic and financial decisions relating to the AWM as a whole. The academy management is represented on the advisory board with a non-voting seat. As a team of employees, we are very grateful for the commitment of the Advisory Board members, who contribute not only experience and intellect, but also passion and heart.

The composition of the advisory board is regulated by the partnership agreement and is made up of representatives of the sponsors:

Chairman of the board

  • Rainer Becker, Director of Marburger Mission

Board members

  • Dieter Weisser, Representative of the Ev. Brüdergemeinde Korntal Church
  • Angelika Marsch
  • Wolfgang Büsing, CEO of AEM-D
  • Peter Dürrstein, CEO Dürr Optronik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Beat Leuthold, President of  AEM-CH
  • Dieter Stiefelhagen, CEO of Mülheimer Verband
  • Klaus Andersen